Notorious BLG

Thursday, April 26, 2007

One step away...

Or 500... It is all the same. Exhaustion- just a state of mind... I wish. It is the state of caffeine deprivation!!! I NEED STARBUCKS!!!! Finals are coming up, and I have ZERO time!!!!
I think that I need to re-examine my priorities. Here I am listening to 34 consecutive lectures in an online class for a very important exam later tonight, because I devoted EVERY free minute to Cell and Molecular (which I will most likely FAIL)! Was I out of my mind to take 10 hours with Lab, work 60 + hours a week, take care of a house, children, and somewhere in there SQUEEZE a nap..? YES!!!! I guess another psycho moment... Lord, sleep deprivation will do odd things to you... AND WHERE IN THE HELL IS THIS WEIGHT COMING FROM???? They say stress makes you gain weight, screw that!!!! College in your 30's = Anorexia!!! I do not want to be fat EVER again!!!!
Random-man!!! Dang... I am all over the place... I guess I should be listening to the lecture that is playing in my ears... I will return...
No Focus...